Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bonnie & Lindsay's Idea

Since we are all such culinary geniuses - we should make an effort to record the great things we create and share them with eachother! There are so many times we throw things together and to our surprise it turns out awesome, but we never remember exactly how we did it.....I think it takes effort to actually WRITE down the measurements...but if you think you've made something that I should make - then post it here. You have to follow the blog inorder to receive the updates when something is added. At first I was thinking that I could add you all as publishers so that you could post whenever, but I think that could get complicated if you aren't used to blogging. So you can just email your genius creations to me and I will post them.


  1. I think the credit goes to Lindsay!

    Speaking of Lindsay--- Can I get that indian one sista???

  2. Did everyone eat their dark greens this week? Even the little ones?
